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The club station UT1ÊWA is based in 1998, and in 2001 has received the status radioclub ’’RIVNE DX CLUB‘’.
The chief of radioclub Tarasovych Pavlo UT1KY ex EM1KY.
The purpose of radioclub - activation of movement amaterur radio among youth and realization of expeditions for the radioamateurs.
For the last few years radioclub carries radioexpeditions to a national museum - "Field Berestechko of battle "
(UIA: PR-04, URDA RI-17).
In honour of 720 anniversaries of Rivne city in 2003 by radioclub is issued and the special diploma " Rivne 720 years ", the work by a signal EN720K was conducted. For the carried out contacts the special memorable cards are sent, the special awards to the most active operators were given out.