
Award "Berestetskaya battle - 360 years"

                                  About diploma "Berestetskaya battle  - 360 years"

    The founders of the diploma - Rivne youth radio club "Rivne DX Club and the management of the National Historical and Memorial Preserve Golf Berestetskaya battle."
  Diploma "Berestetskaya battle 360 years" was founded in memory of the battle, which took place in 1651 between the Ukrainian troops B. Khmelnitsky and the Polish army under John Casimir nr Berestechko.
  To fulfill the terms of the diploma "Berestetskaya battle 360 years", it is necessary to carry out one radio link (up) with the radio UT1KWA  in period 20.06.2011 to 31.12.2011 or UT1KWA / p from the territory of the National Historical and Memorial Preserve in any mode on any amateur bands in period from 20.06.2011 to 26.06.2011 .

   The award is issued electronically and in paper form.

 1. For stations in Ukraine issued a free digital certificate of the result of two-way radio with UT1KWA or UT1KWA /p. (At the request of Ukrainian applicant may obtain a paper certificate in Ukraine by sending the director of the award manager 5 UAH on postage sending a diploma in the mail with this return address)  

 2. For stations around the world issued a free electronic certificate. For applicants should send an e-mail manager diploma: data on QSO with UT1KWA or UT1KWA / p and a name (optional name) to send the diploma (paper diplomas from Ukraine are not given).
The award manager:

P.O.Box 85, Rivne, 33027, Ukraine

 tel. +38 0970663838